Using the API
Use the API to extract and save data from the UKHSA data dashboard. To start, please select and filter to the specific data metric you’re interested in.
The hyperlinked API will guide you to the data you’re looking for. By clicking on each link, you’ll be shown the next options available for the data you’ve selected. The data selection is structured, meaning the option you select will determine the options available.
This is how the data is structured:
Theme – the overall subgroup of the data. For example, infectious_disease
Sub_theme – the group the data falls in within the theme. For example, respiratory
Topic – the type of data within the sub-theme. For example, COVID-19
Geography_type – the type of geographical area for the data. For example, NHS region
Geography – the specific geographical area related to the type. For example, London
Metric – the name of the metric you’re interested in. For example, COVID-19_cases_casesByDay
Timeseries – further filtering of the data
The structure of the URL stays the same for each API query, following the filtering selection process. For example, the data filtering shown above (in bold) would produce this URL:
The overall category is plural (in this example, themes) which is then followed by the detail selected (in this example, infectious_diseases).
Unlike the coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard API, you cannot extract all the data across a topic or geography type. The API is designed for you to be selective by data type, topic, geography and metric.
https://api.ukhsa-dashboard.data.gov.uk/themes/" } }{ "links": { "themes": "